Universities List

International European University formally known as IEU a Kyiv based multi-campus Ukrainian higher learning institution. The university was established primarily to provide quality education at European level to Ukrainian citizens, later in 2018, they decided to enroll foreign students as well. Because of its advanced infrastructure, well-equipped laboratories & skilled teaching staff, IEU is considered one of the modern institutes in Ukraine. Today, International European University is consists of 6 following schools; European School of Medicine | European School of Business | European School of Engineering European School of Language | European School of IT | European School of Law
Vinnitsa national medical university has been training competent doctors for approximately 100 years. It was started by the first President of the Ukraine’s Academy of Sciences, academician D.K. Zabolotny, after realizing the necessity of establishment of a medical educational institution in Vinnitsa in order to serve the nation’s requirement for improved healthcare. VNMU started as Vinnitsa Pharmaceutical Institute from (1921-1936), later it became Vinnitsa branch of All-Ukrainian Institute of Extra-Mural Medical Education (1930). At this point it got reorganized as Evening Industrial Medical Institute with two faculties – medical-preventive & pediatric and Vinnitsa Medical Institute (1934). In 1960, by the Ruling of President of the Supreme Body of the U.S.S.R., the Institute was renamed after N.I. Pirogov. By the year 1969, 2235 students were trained at two faculties of the institute (medical & pediatrics), and the faculties increased to 26 doctors of science and 106 candidates of science. On June 19, 2002, admiring the University’s nation-wide and international recognition VSMU was awarded National University status by orders of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma endorsing the following specialties” “General Medicine “,"Dentistry", "Pediatrics", “Clinical Pharmacy”, "Pharmacy", “Medical Psychology.” Vinnytsia National Medical University (VNMU) is a higher medical institution founded in 1921. It is the successor of the “Vinnytsia Branch of the All-Ukrainian”, “The Vinnytsia Evening Industrial Medical Institute (1932)”, “Vinnytsia Pharmaceutical Institute (1921)” and, The Vinnytsia Medical Institute (1934)” as well as “Institute of Correspondence Medical Education (1930)” It has trained thousands of specialists who work in Ukraine and in many different countries of the world. As of today the training of specialists is performed at 53 chairs, where the proficient scientific-pedagogical staff works.
The institution started its operations in the year 1900 as the medical faculty under Novorossiyskiy State University in the city of Odessa. With the level of devotion contributed by the pioneers of the medical faculty, the faculty became one of the most prominent medical faculties in the whole Russian Empire. Many well-known medical scientists of their times worked here including Nobel laureate and professor I. I. Mechnikov.
Lviv National Medical University named after Daniel Galician (LNMU) is perhaps the oldest and largest educational institutions that teaches Medicine in Ukraine. It is also one of the most prominent medical universities of the IV level of accreditation. In 2019 LNMU celebrated its 235th anniversary as it began from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University on November 16, 1784.

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