Top 5 Countries in Europe with Highest Salaries

Top 5 Countries in Europe with Highest Salaries in 2025-26

Europe – includes many countries with high average salaries. The amount of an employee’s income depends on a specific country – geographical location, level of economic development, availability of natural resources and political component. There are countries in Europe where the average monthly income exceeds 3000EUR. In this article, we look at the Top 5 countries with the highest average salaries in Europe.
Country Name Average salary
Germany 4,249 EUR/ month
Iceland 4,400 EUR/ month
Norway 3,500 EUR/ month
Denmark 5,200 EUR/ month
Switzerland 6,800 EUR/ month
work in germany

Work in Germany for Pakistanis

From November 2022, Germany opened the labor market to many foreign experts. The possibility to obtain a residence permit in Germany based on work was obtained by holders of secondary vocational education in folk professions in the country. The average salary in the country is 4,249.89EUR. Average wages (gross) in Germany by industry, from higher to lower:
  1. Oil and gas industry – 6740EUR /month
  2. Oil refining industry – 5730EUR /month
  3. Pharmaceuticals – 5640EUR /month
  4. Air transport – 5630EUR /month
  5. Automotive – 5620EUR /month
  6. Banking and insurance – 5610EUR /month
  7. Telecommunications – 5550EUR /month
  8. IT industry – 5510EUR /month
  9. Mechanical engineering – 5500EUR /month
  10. Medicine – 5440EUR /month

Cost In Germany

Although studying in Germany is 100% free by the state university, living expenses will be high in comparison to your home country of Pakistan. The living and educational standards in Germany are exceptional, but your monthly spending will be heavily influenced by the city in which you live. 

An international student’s monthly expenses in Germany can range from €670 to €890.

Humboldt University of Berlin

Many Pakistani students dream of studying in Europe, but they abandon the idea due to financial constraints. Germany’s fully-funded scholarships and tuition-free education have always attracted them. Germany has been the top study-abroad destination in Europe since 2014, when the government announced plans to abolish tuition fees at all state universities for undergraduate students. Administrative fees and other unavoidable student service charges are covered by a small fee of around €250.



Work & Part-time Jobs In German

Broadly known as the pioneer of Europe, Germany is popular for being domestic to a few of the foremost famous & persuasive automakers within the world counting Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, and Volkswagen.

Moreover, Germany is the root of modern microelectronics generation & other multinational companies like Panasonic, Adidas, DHL, Bosch, etc.

Hence, Germany could be a paradise for those plans to study & work at the same time to bolster their living expense.  Work is permitted for worldwide understudies amid ponders for a greatest of 20 hours per week. Amid summer get-aways, understudies can work full-time for up to 40 hours per week. 

Free Universities In Germany For Pakistani Students

Choosing a state university in Germany can be troublesome. Let us make it less demanding for you to choose a much better Institute improve your educational career. Here is the list of a few best universities in Germany for Pakistani students with fully funded educational expenses. 


Free Universities In Germany In English

  • University of Hamburg
  • Free University of Berlin
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Humboldt University of Berlin
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • University of Bonn
  • Georg August University of Göttingen
  • University of Cologne
  • Goethe University
  • Humboldt University Berlin
  • Technical University of Berlin
  • University of Stuttgart
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  • University of Heidelberg
  • Trier University
  • Top 5 Highest Salary 03

    Work in Iceland

    Iceland is an island country that can attract emigrants with a high standard of living and a stable economy. It is not only rich, but also a very beautiful country with many attractions and beautiful nature. One may be interested in moving to a permanent residence in that country. 


    The average salary in Iceland is 3000EUR per month.

    Cost of living in Iceland

     Iceland is among the most expensive and one of the leading countries in the number of jobs and earnings. In terms of income and wealth, Iceland ranks above average. Minimum living expenses are 1,600EUR per month (including housing, utilities, food, public transportation, and leisure activities). 

    Free universities in Ireland for Pakistani students

    University of Iceland

    Undergraduate Tuition FeesRegistration Fee of 580EUR Per Year
    Graduate Tuition Fees:Registration Fee of 580EUR Per Year

     Agricultural University of Iceland

    Undergraduate Tuition FeesRegistration Fee of 580EUR Per Year
    Graduate Tuition Fees:Registration Fee of 580EUR Per Year

    University of Akureyri

    Undergraduate Tuition FeesRegistration Fee of 580EUR Per Year
    Graduate Tuition Fees:Registration Fee of 580EUR Per Year

    Hólar University College

    Undergraduate Tuition FeesRegistration Fee of 580EUR Per Year
    Graduate Tuition Fees:Registration Fee of 580EUR Per Year

    Iceland University of the Arts

    Undergraduate Tuition FeesFrom 5-6EUR Per Year
    Graduate Tuition Fees:From 5-6EUR Per Year
    work on Norway

    Work in Norway

    Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world. This country attracts foreigners with a decent standard of living, high wages, a loyal tax system and job opportunities in this country. The average salary in Norway allows you to live quite decently. In 2022, the average salary of a person working in Norway was 4400 EUR

    Cost of living in Norway

    International students in Norway need sufficient funds to cover their living expenses. Estimated average student budget in Norway is about 1188.95EUR per month (2025).

    • Students staying in Norway for two semesters (2025/2026) should have financial support of 12590.63EUR.
    • Students accommodated only for autumn semester 2022: 5723.01EUR.
    • Students accommodated only for spring semester 2023: 6867.62EUR

    Free universities in Norway

    In Norway, public universities are fully funded, so students do not have to pay tuition fees. However, you must pay semester fees and your living expenses.
  • Nord University
  • Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
  • University of Bergen
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
  • University of Stavanger (UiS)
  • University of Oslo
  • work in Denmark

    Work in Denmark

    The average salary in Denmark is 5200EUR per month. 

    If we consider the maximum wages of the population based on the ratio to a certain activity of the economy, financiers, insurance companies and specialists in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning will come to the fore. 

    From the point of view of income equality of the population, Denmark can be known as a country with equal rights for everyone. The fact is that the difference between the wages of the rich and the poor is only 3.5 times. 

    Costs of living in Denmark

    A rough estimate of your monthly living costs in Denmark is between 750EUR and 900EUR per month. Living in Copenhagen is more expensive than in smaller cities, with monthly costs reaching up to 1,200EUR. If you want to live in a smaller city, you can reduce your costs to around EUR650 per month. 

    Free universities in Denmark

  • Københavns Universitet
  • Aarhus Universitet
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
  • Syddansk Universitet
  • Aalborg Universitet
  • Roskilde Universitet
  • Copenhagen Business School(CBS)
  • IT-Universitetet i København
  • Aarhus School of Architecture
  • The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Art.
  • work in switzerland

    Work in Switzerland

    The income of the Swiss is enviably different from the average European. But the cost of living in the country is also high. The number of working days and overtime is regulated by law. You cannot work more than 45 hours per week, processing is paid at a rate of 1.3 to the agreed wage. Men receive a 15% higher minimum income than the fairer sex. 

    The average salary in Switzerland is 6,800EUR per month. Based on local prices for rental housing, food, transportation, medicine, one can ensure a completely comfortable life by earning 100,000EUR per year. 

    Living cost in Switzerland

    You should have an average budget of 1,300EUR-1,700EUR/month to pay for accommodation, food, transport, supplies and leisure activities. Geneva and Zurich are the most expensive cities, and you may need a budget of more than 1,700EUR/month. 


    Here’s how much you’ll spend on average in these Swiss cities: 

    Geneva – between 1,650EUR – 2,500 EUR/month 

    Zurich – between 1,650 EUR- 2,200 EUR/month 

    Bern – around 1,600 EUR/month 

    Basel – between 1,400EUR-2,000EUR/month 

    Free universities in Switzerland

    United International Business School 

    1. Franklin University Switzerland
    2. The University of Lucerne
    3. Swiss Business School
    4. Kalaidos University of Applied Science
    5. Cesarittz Colleges
    6. University of Business and International Studies
    7. Geneva Business School
    8. University of St Gallen
    9. ETH Zurich


    Best Countries To Study Abroad For Pakistani Students

     CountryTuition FeeLiving Cost
    1United Kingdom (UK)

    $4650 to $15,548

    / Semester


    / month


    €1500 – €2,500

    / Semester


    / month


    €0 – €9,400

    / Semester


    / month


    $5150 – $19,400

    / Semester


    / month


    $4900 – $16,400

    / Semester


    / month


    €0 – €5,600

    / Semester


    / month


    $6100 – $15,880

    / Semester


    / month


    $0 – $5,220

    / Semester


    / month


    €0 – €9,800

    / Semester


    / month


    €3200 – €6,400

    / Semester


    / month

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